Wednesday, July 14, 2010

The Latest

Wow--can you believe summer is almost half over? I prefer to look at it as--we have another whole half of summer left! Right? Half-full. Not half-empty.

Talk about full--the Festival of Mystery in Oakmont this year was beyond standing room only. (Yes, it was in May. So, it takes me a bit longer than you might predict to post photos. La dee dah.)The folks at Mystery Lovers Bookshop went all out--and mystery authors and readers flocked to get books signed. (I must say the whole thing was irresistible. And I bought waaay too many books. Wait--is there such a thing?) Anyway: it looked like this:

And here's me. You can see what fun it was. (Thanks to the wonderful Steve Bucci for these photos!) Hope to see you there next year--click here for all the info on MLB.

And soon after--oh wait--was it before? (Some days I'm not quite sure what day it is, doest that happen to you?( Anyway, I was chief judge for the Mary Higgins Clark Awards, part of the prestigious Edgar Awards from Mystery Writers of America. (Got that?) Here's the awards party: with Laura Lippman , me in the leopard skirt, and in the middle, Mary Higgins Clark herself. A perfect gorgeous classy and talented lady. A true star. (You can see, somehow she got all the light. I think that's the Mary magic.)
More pictures to come! See you soon...And I have new luggage tags in honor of AIR TIME! If you'd like me to send you one, click on contact in the blog header--and let me know! Keep cool, you all. It's about a million degrees here in Boston...